What is Alane?

Alane is a fuel made of aluminum and hydrogen chemically bonded together.  It is a solid, much like aluminum, but when you heat it up, it releases the hydrogen so that it can be used by a fuel cell to generate electricity with no carbon emissions.  The aluminum is left behind to be “recharged” with hydrogen and turned back into more Alane.


It is safe: It is converted to electricity by heating to release the hydrogen at low pressure to feed a fuel cell. The U.S. Army conducted ballistics tests that determined Alane is non-explosive.

It is convenient: It can be shipped safely through standard channels over land, air and sea.

It is durable: The fuel can be stored in either hot or cold conditions, with minimal degradation in extreme heat.



Safe, convenient, durable; solid hydrogen has 3X more energy per weight then Li-ion batteries

Alane has greater hydrogen content per volume than other types of hydrogen


more than Compressed High Pressure Hydrogen


more than Cold/Cryo Compressed


more than Liquid Hydrogen


more than Compressed High Pressure Hydrogen


more than Cold/Cryo Compressed


more than Liquid Hydrogen