Generator and Power Unit
With FuelX technology, we have achieved an unprecedented 80% reduction in carried energy weight compared to conventional systems, setting a new benchmark in efficiency and performance.

Carbon-free Soldier Power Generator
This project is moving forward with initial funding and schedule established. On May 1st 2023 FuelX was awarded an Army SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) $1.7M contract to develop the Gen 3 Carbon-free Soldier Power Generator (C-SPG). Gen 3 will be approximately 7 inches by 7 inches with a 3 inch thickness. The 250Wh cartridges measure 2 1/4 inches diameter by 4 1/8 inches in length. The target weight is five pounds including Alane fuel for 250Wh of delivered energy.

Estimated Volumes from the Army: the steady state requirement for Alane is 5,000 MT/Yr and the number of C-SPGs steady state is 175,000, refreshing one third of them every three years (58,000/Yr).
The Army SBIR contract is a program that provides funding for small businesses to engage in research and development projects that have the potential to meet the strict requirements of the U.S. Army. These contracts aim to stimulate technological innovation and address challenges faced by the military.

Gen 3 Carbon-free Soldier Power Generator
The FuelX system is:
80% lighter than the Army spec li-ion battery
Fully loaded weight: 5.0 lbs
Dimensions: 7in x 3in x 7in (LxWxH)
Power output: 50W
Non-flammable fuel
The FuelX approach is to leverage previous work on Alane fueled SPGs achieving TLR-6 from demonstrated performance in 72 Hour Army evaluation. TLR-6, or “Technology Readiness Level 6”, in the context of military evaluations and technology development, signifies a crucial milestone where a technology has been demonstrated and tested in a representative environment under operational conditions showing its ability to perform its intended functions effectively.